About The South Stand Choir

My name is Steve, I’m a Geordie living in South Lakeland but on home matchdays I can often be found with the rest of the choir (also known occasionally as “You lot under the clock”) at the back of the KP South Stand. I have been watching Newcastle Falcons for 15-odd years, through a promotion, championship, four cup finals (two won) and seeing them become the first club side in the world to field three players who had scored in World Cup Finals (Jonny Wilkinson, Owen Finegan and my favourite player ever – Matthew Burke).

During that time there have been unbelievable highs, crushing lows, and nerve-shattering mediums, but every game we see history being made and I love being a small part of the Falcons story being written every single week. Sharing it with friends just makes it so much better.

Having combined my loves of writing and rugby on another website over the past few years, on the way back to Newcastle from Sale on Boxing Day 2011 I finally decided to do what I’d been thinking about for a while, and see how it went branching out on my own.

Comments, suggestions and criticism all welcome!

Oh, and I can be found on Twitter too @SouthStandChoir.

8 responses to “About The South Stand Choir

  1. I have belatedly found this site. Superbo! I describe myself as a member of the South Stand Regulars who congregate behind the posts at the back of the Stand. I do not recall feeling as excited and positive about a new season for a very long time and I, too, go back a long way with the Falcons. I look forward to a string of Falcons win and, because I am a mewan old so-and-so, a succession of defeats for the Oxford Taffs!

  2. same as the guys above and have to congratulate you on being totally honest, cut through the crap. Have to admit Richards is not impressing me, and Hodgson leaving I think is a massive blow. What is the Falcons strategy, dean seems to be going back to the old Leicester style of stick it up the jumper. Sad to see we are already being written of.

  3. Sorry steve that comment didn’t come out well. meant I love your blog and your honesty and agree with a lot of what you say.
    From my point of view I think they have had a bad pre season and I don’t see any direction. Richards seems to want to play an up the jumper forwards style which suprises me as there was some good flashes last season. It almost seems to me he doesn’t believe in his squad. Looking forward to your posts this season.

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